Yard Sale Maps 2024

Please Check out the WECAN Waterford Calendar on Facebook and paper copies around Waterford.
The LeBoeuf Township Supervisor’s Meeting Scheduled for Wednesday, June 12, 2024 has been cancelled. The Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.
Fall/Winter Newsletter 2023/2024
Welcome New Road Foreman: Bill Phillips! He started on May 1, 2023.
2024 Community Yard Sale/Garage Sale Days: June 7th & June 8th
Welcome to New Employee -Rodney. He started on September 6, 2022.
2024 Dog Licenses are now available for sale at the LeBoeuf Township Municipal Building during regular hours.
WORK ZONE SAFETY: Please slow down in Construction Zones. We want to keep our worker’s safe!
APRIL 8, 2020:
The LeBoeuf Township Supervisor’s Message:
The Roads of LeBoeuf Township belong to the Taxpayers and all residents are responsible for their care & maintenance. Extra Repairs to the roads cost taxpayers additional money. They ask that if you see people damaging the roads, such as doing donuts in the road with vehicles, defacing of signs or performing unauthorized road or ditch work, ,etc.- Please report these occurrences to the township. If caught the perpetrators will be punished to the full extent of the Law. Videos and Pictures, if possible, can be submitted to the township and anyone who is identified will be held responsible for damages.